• 080-22201651/080-22263651

Frequently Asked Questions

You can get in touch with the nearest branch. You can also contact Mr. Navneeth Krishna (+91 9886441988).
Yes, we do offer service to our any kind of old or new sewing machines.
As we stock all kind of machines with us, you can expect immediate delivery of the products from our end.
We are the Authorised distributors of the brand. We only deal or supply genuine products
Yes we provide training to the customers, at their door-step, after the purchase of the product.
Yes demos of all the products we sell from our end are available at our store.
You can get in touch with the nearest branch. You can also contact Mr. Navneeth Krishna (+91 9886441988).
Yes, you can approach us. We are here to help you in choosing the right machine, which suits your purpose.
We accept all modes of payment- Cash, Cheque, Internet Banking, UPI, Credit Card/Debit Card, Mobile wallets, etc.
Mechanical machines are those machines, in which the decorative designs are selected mechanically by the selector knob whereas the stitch length and width are manually selected.
People who would not like to have more number of decorative designs in the machine opt for mechanical machines.
There are other factors which have to be considered like brand, budget, and purpose to help you have an idea of a machine which is suitable for you. Please get in touch with us for more details or visit our store for a complete demo.
HAx1 size: 11/14/16/18 are used in these machines and all types of fabrics from silk to denim can be sewn on these machines.
Yes, these type of machines are ideal for quilting too.
Denim fabric can be easily sewn with thicker needle of size 18.
Led light have more illumination in the sewing area, which helps you to have a clear view of the stitches. Yes, it is completely safe for your eyes.
Those machines, in which the decorative designs are selected by just a touch of the button or electronically by the selector button; and the stitch length and width are also selected electronically are computerised sewing machines.
Those who wish to have more number of decorative designs and to have an user-friendly interface can opt for these computerised machines.
These machines are easy to use. The maintenance free helps to create great sewing projects at ease.
No, as these are sewing machines that have in-built designs, external designs cannot be added onto the machine. But this option is available in the embroidery machines where you can create your own designs and can be added.
All types of fabric from silk to denim can be sewn on these machines.